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Every hero has a beginning...

Monday, March 26, 2018

Everyone Was Performing Martial Arts!

Hello everyone, this is 'ESB' Stringfellow, and I am a stone that you can not squeeze blood from, and this is...

The Beginning Of The New Book Series!!!

A new adventure awaits...

And there it is, the cover to my first book of the new series that I wish to share with any and all fantasy fans. Looks like the picture is cut off on the edges, but you can still clearly see the title, "A Hero's Path: The Five Year Pilgrimage: Book I: CHI."

How about we take a look at that synopsis, shall we?

Lives lost... An innocence broken... Swords drawn... A promise unspoken...

In deepest despair... Hearts turned black... A warrior’s redemption... To bring the light back...

Cyankazu Omondi, after enduring trials of body, mind and spirit, had become an honorary hero of his homeland, all at the young age of fourteen.

However, being so young, Cyankazu felt that he had to better himself so as to make his people proud and to be truly worthy of the title of A True Hero. Thus he embarks on a quest, accompanied by his greatest friend and animal companion, Magus.

Together the two companions will travel far and wide, and through their heroism create a new legacy that will encourage those that they meet. They will help others to discover their own potential, strengths and courage to do what they thought they could not.

The first will be the youth known as Xang Jade...

Now, this being the first book after Path of a Hero, I wanted to give a bit of a... refresher, I guess you could say, about Cyan and Magus' first adventure. Next, I wanted to set up just what these two will be doing in this particular set of books, The Five Year Pilgrimage series. The idea was not just to have Cyan and Magus be all heroic and save people and the world, over and over and over, but to help and encourage those that they meet to also become heroes...

Aaaaaand that last line is all you get about the whole book itself, a reference to the main character, Xang Jade.

Who is she? What is her story? And how do Cyan and Magus factor in?

The answer to those questions are as follows: Xang Jade is a fourteen-year-old girl who lives on the Shang Continent, a place that is highly praised and regarded as peaceful and prosperous. It is also the home of a place called The Tu Long Academy, the most prestigious martial arts school in the world.

Not the Jade Palace, I swear!

This academy, for over a thousand years, has created the most highly skilled martial artist and served as the cornerstone of Shang Culture. Jade actually lives there, with her family, where she starts off as a temple maiden. Basically, she's just a servant, cleaning or sewing or serving meals.

If that made you cringe with anticipation at what exactly Shang Culture is like, then you already know what I'm setting this story up as: The traditions of the Shang Continent are very gender based, where only men and boys can do things like become martial artists, and women and girls serve their country best as housekeepers.

Jade calls B.S. on this notion, so her story is that she secretly trains herself in martial arts.

However, with a very selective organization known as the Brotherhood of Earth teaching its members the highest forms of martial arts, including a secret style, away from prying eyes, Jade has no hopes of attaining her goal, which is proving her full potential.

That, my dear audience, is where Cyan and Magus come in... Cyan, wide-eyed at the academy's reputation, decides to see if he can make the cut, he and Magus never catching onto the Men Only mentality until after the fact. Instead of dropping out, they decide to stay and help Jade achieve her true potential, to help her realize her dream of becoming a monk.

But how do they go about it? What fury of the Brotherhood do they risk facing if found out? And what of Jade's family? Will they be supportive... or will they be an obstacle?

Find out, in the down-to-earth first adventure of Cyan and Magus' world travels!

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